Building Blox: Week 10 – Brickwork to roof ridge, repairs to existing properties

What we did:

  • Brickwork to roof ridge
  • Excavation for utilities
  • Repairs to existing properties.

When hiring someone to do something you can’t, you’re often told that anything is possible. However, often you want to know what is possible, within a reasonable cost? In this case I had made the mistake of not getting a full plan for the roof drawn up before construction and this was left up to the contractor, as stipulated within the contract. The issue here is that only now in design was the issue with positioning of the roof lights (commonly known by the popular ‘Velux’ brand) identified. It could be done, but at a cost. Again, this shouldn’t be such an issue when you have a fixed price contract with your builder, but they will fight you for it! In short, there would need to be a clever use of additional steel and timber to make it work, adding cost and complications.

Get to know the basics...

…of how things work, then it’s easier to plan – as such I learnt the basic considerations in roof design and repositioned the roof lights to make life easier for everyone.

Work this week

The brickies were in much of the week, for what was due to be their final appearance, completing brickwork up to the ridge of the roof. In full flow, all was relatively uneventful except for the speed and agility they expertly navigated the scaffolding which us mortals tiptoed around in our safety gear.

The rest of the team were busy continuing on the trenches for the services, however progress was blocked, …literally by two concrete blocks. The first of these was a concrete block used to support part of an existing building we had to dig close to. The second a large block precariously suspended from the same building, which had to be removed to allow the digger access. We feared that vibrations from the digging may upset the existing building, causing damage.

Tackling these two issues was easier said than done, requiring some smart solutions. Without getting into too much detail, the contractors built an additional section of wall to provide additional support for the first concrete block and in turn the existing building. The second block was then removed using a specially constructed platform to rest it on, whilst it could be broken up with an angle-grinder.

Solution to concrete block #1

Solution to concrete block #1

Expect the unexpected

These unanticipated issues caused some delays, so although contrary to the name, some have to be expected in the course of construction. They occur more often during excavation where of course you cannot see what you’re getting into, which is why these periods of a build can be some of the most stressful times. Thankfully we’ve gone through these periods without too much pain, which I hope will continue!

Next week, we start building a roof!

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